Staying Inspired: A Quick Guide
Hi Friends!
It is our passion here at Be Inspired Again to help you flourish in your relationship with Jesus. We also want to help provide tips and tools to help you thrive, especially in this world wide “Selah Moment”. Here are a few things to help keep you connected, grounded, and sane!
Love, Jazzy!
If you’re anything like me you have a TON of ideas swirling in your head. But before you try to tackle them I suggest the following:
Pray about what God would like you to focus on
Tell someone and get accountability. Marco Polo is my favorite app to use to keep in contact with my besties and keep them up to speed on how they can hold me accountable!
Keep going
Create a schedule for yourself.
Create an hour by hour schedule for yourself. Especially if you have a ton of ideas you’d like to tackle, your day is packed with a variety of activities and responsibilities. I hopped onto and created a fun visual for my schedule.
Here’s a sample of my schedule:
9:00 Wake Up, Quiet Time (Reading my word,prayer, sitting silently...literally lol)
9:30 Get Dressed, Make Breakfast
10:00 Log in to work ( Turn on laptop, begin checking e-mail’s, responding to text messages, review where I left off from work on Friday)
11:30 Team Zoom Check-In
12:00 Items specific to work (Creating proposal’s, lesson planning, graphic updates, etc.)
1:00 Lunch
2:00 Check in with my Team and begin digital 1 on 1’s
3:30 Log Information for our remote team to access progress
4:00 Check my to-do list and calendar to make sure I’m staying on task
4:30 Create an end of the day report for my supervisors. They didn’t ask for this,but I created it as a means of accountability for myself and to maintain their trust in my work ethic.
*Take a quick 5 minute break every 25 minutes to help with your progress
** If you’re not working from home. You can literally schedule time to sit down and relax or some of your fun habits you’ve been putting off
Get Physical.
Find an online class, take a run (if this is ok with local legislation and in an uncrowded area), tune into DJ Nice @DNice on Instagram and dance to his INCREDIBLE set. It will def put a smile on your face and get your heart rate up.
Schedule some time to connect, pray with, laugh with your friends and family.
My best friend and I pray on Tuesday mornings and I am looking to have some friends join me on some fitness goals while we are in our corporate Selah.
Schedule some virtual sessions with your therapist or check out some virtual therapy.
Say No.
Now that we are all most likely at home the assumption can be that you’re available. You don’t have to be! You don’t have to jam pack your schedule, which I am an expert at doing. Take this time to reset.
Do Nothing.
Create some permanent margin. Habits that you can carry with you into the next season of healing and reunited community.