Put On The Armor. Again.
Vintage Jazz circa 1991
This is the first of what I'll refer to as "Vintage Inspiration." Posts from my previous blog that still inspire me. I'm hoping and praying that they do the same for you.
February 23, 2016
Originally Titled " One Teeny Tiny Opening For One Teeny Tiny Thought"
On my way home the Lord reminded me that the enemy will do any and everything he can to make us forget who we are in him and thus distracting us. We get confused, flustered, overwhelmed and our dreams become warped in the enemies lies. When in reality we ARE sons and daughters of the King. We have been renewed by the transforming of our minds (Romans 12:2). We have our feet fitted with the Gospel of peace and joy (Ephesians 6:15), not anxiety and sadness. We have access to the yoke of God and don’t have to carry our own, so there's no need to feel overwhelmed. We have the power to break out of the patterns the enemy may have us running in. For all of us he knows what distracts and ushers us into a place where we may feel distant from God. He can’t take the power from us, but he may lead us into forgetting that we are powerful in Jesus.
This past month or so I have been “attacked” or bombarded with heavy anxiety about relationships, forgiveness, my identity in Christ and self worth, my faith. While I am grateful for the tons of amazing things that have been happening, I allowed my mind to meditate on the medium sized red dot of awfulness on the canvas of my life instead of the white space that has been left untouched and fruitful. It took me to a mental space that I don't know I've ever been in. It was almost impossible for me to worship with this built up anger I had. THIS is when I knew that something had to give. After a train ride with one of my dear friends and sisters I was reminded that this is NOT what it appears to be. It's not a battle of flesh and blood, or these issues that are trivial in comparison to eternity. It is in fact the father of lies and his stooges that we are up against (Ephesians 6:12). And yes, it really is that deep. When we don’t see how deeply rooted some of these issues are and come to terms with the deep roots, we target the fruit of those lies with prayer and fasting instead of the root of it. Satan, Damian, Lucifer. Whatever he’s going by these days, he has a hand in it, we water it and allow it to grow, but all he needs is one teeny tiny opening for one teeny tiny thought. All the while, we have more than enough strength, backup, support and power to serve him and his demons a cease a desist ordinance. But if we can be distracted they’ve got us.
On my walk home tonight I got a glimpse and reminder of who we are in Christ and the power that comes with that. Every single thought has to be taken captive. His attacks have become more advanced than what I (and some of you) have experienced before, because God is using us for even greater glory in this season and it's a transition into dreams that are going to bring people closer to Jesus.
All it takes is one teeny tiny decision to trust God and His Humungous Awesomeness. Well, maybe it’s not a teeny tiny decision, but it’s just the beginning of great things in Christ.
You are beautiful. Psalm 139:14
You are loved. Zephaniah 3:17
You are Victorious. 1 Corinthians 15:57
You are above and not beneath. Deuteronomy 28:13
Put on your armor. Again. Ephesians 6
With Love,